Alcatel-Lucent is a leader in fixed, mobile and converged broadband networking, IP technologies, applications and services for people at home, at work and on the move. Alcatel-Lucent operates in more than 130 countries. The company is one of the largest research, technology and innovation organizations in the telecommunications industry, lead by the Bell Labs department.
Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France , the French Bell Labs centre and the second largest, located in Nozay, is a 100% affiliate of Alcatel-Lucent France and covers research on optical components, transmission systems and optical networks, fixed and mobile network architecture from the core to the edge, security, service infrastructure and applications. Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France is active in the French ICT clusters “pôles de compétitivité” System@TIC Paris-Région and Cap Digital as well as in a number of European projects within ICT Frame Programmes and Eureka/ITEA-CELTIC, and in national cooperative research actions funded by ANR (national research agency).
Within F-Lab, work will be carried out by Alcatel-Lucent's Triple-play Wireless Network group which is composed of 26 highly-skilled researchers specialized in wireless evolution towards 4G, including all-IP networking and LTE networks. The TWN team developed a unique experience in OFDM-based broadband wireless networks through development and experimental deployment of WiMAX technology. The work that will be done for F-Lab on LTE technology will benefit from experience gained in OneLab2 project, where support of OMF and federation for WiMAX is under development. TWN is involved in LTE trials, LTE networks deployment, both in France, as well as in development of LTE Small Cells.